Evžen Kočenda - Home
Prof. Ing. Evžen Kočenda, Ph.D., DSc. Short Biography - Stručný životopis
    Institute of Economic Studies
    Charles University, Faculty of Social Sciences
    Opletalova 26, 110 00 Prague
    Czech Republic
    tel:(+420) 222.112.321, fax: 222.112.304

    Department of Econometrics
    Institute of Information Theory and Automation
    Pod Vodárenskou věží 4
    182 08 Prague, Czech Republic
e-mail: evzen "dot" kocenda "at" fsv "dot" cuni "dot" cz
url: http://kocenda.fsv.cuni.cz

RePEc Page , RePEc rating: top 1% in the Czech Republic and top 2% in the World (last 10 years), RePEc citation profile, Google Scholar citation count

Book: Three editions with three covers.